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14.1 TSYS

Processor Code Text StringComment
00ApprovalApproved and completed.
01CallRefer to issuer.
02CallRefer to issuer—Special condition
03Term ID ErrorInvalid Merchant ID
04Hold-callPick up card (no fraud)
05DeclineDo not honor
06Error XXXXGeneral Error.
07Hold-callPick up card, special conditions (Fraud account)
10Partial ApprovalPartial approval for authorized amount.
12Invalid Transaction
13Amount ErrorInvalid Amount.
14Card No. ErrorInvalid card number.
15No such issuerNo such issuer of the credit card.
19Re ENTERRe-enter transaction.
39No Credit AcctNo Credit Account.
41Hold-callLost card, pick up card (fraud account).
43Hold-callPick up card, stolen card, pick up (fraud account).
51DeclineInsufficient funds.
54Expired cardExpired card—different than invalid expiration date.
57Service not allowedTransaction not permitted on card.
58Service not allowedService not allowed. Transaction not permitted—Terminal.
59Service not allowedService not allowed. Transaction not permitted—Merchant.
61DeclinedExceeds withdrawal limit.
62DeclinedInvalid service code, restricted.
63Sec ViolationSecurity violation.
65DeclinedActivity limit exceeded.
77No Action takenInconsistent data, reversed or repeat.
79Already ReversedAlready reversed at switch.
80No impactNo financial impact (used in responses for declined originals).
82Incorrect CVVCVV data not correct.
85Card OKNo reason to decline.
93Decline violationCannot complete.
94Duplicate TransUnable to locate, no match.
96System ErrorSystem malfunction.
CVFailure CVCard Type verification error.
ECCID format errorVerification error.
HVFailure HierarchyVerification error.
N4DeclineExceeds Issuer withdrawal limit.
N7CCV2 mismatchCVV2 value supplied is invalid.
R0Stop recurringCustomer requested stop of specific recurring transactions.


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