Developer Portal


11.2 Card Account

firstNameFirst name from cardholder billing data
middleNameMiddle name. Usually blank, not part of card processing
lastNameLast name from cardholder billing data
address Address from cardholder billing data, may include unit number, apartment, etc.
cityCity from cardholder billing data
state State or province
zipZip code (US) or province code (CAD). It is strongly recommended to have at least zip available to reduce merchant fees and ideally as much of the cardholder name and address information as is available should be populated.
phone Cardholder phone number. Optional, not part of card processing data.
accountNumberCredit card account number.

expirationDate Expiration date in mmyy or mmyyyy format.

p2peInput For Payway P2PE devices, output of device goes in this field and is decrypted by Payway.
emailEmail of the cardholder.
fsvFraud security value (3 digits or 4 digits for AMEX)
accountNotes1Account notes, optional data up to 128 bytes
accountNotes2Account notes, optional data up to 128 bytes
accountNotes3 Account notes, optional data up to 128 bytes


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