Developer Portal

2 Setup

2.1 Company Administrators

Only a Company Administrator has the ability to log on to the Payway Administrator tool.

Please supply Payway customer support with the appropriate individual(s) who are responsible for managing access for your company. Payway will create the initial Company Administrator(s) and supply those users with a temporary password. Once your Company Administrator(s) have access, they will have the ability to create additional Company Administrators if desired.

2.2 Background Service Users

Background Service Users are certified partners that connect to Payway and process transactions on your behalf. The security credentials for these third-party providers are managed by Payway’s support team. Payway creates logon(s) and password(s), and provides the information directly to our certified partners.  Service accounts are not visible to Company Administrators from the Payway Administrator tool.

2.3 Regular Users

Only Company Administrators can create Regular Users. Permissions for Regular Users are set by the Company Administrators. Regular Users can be granted access to multiple divisions and have distinct permissions.

2.4 Access

The URL to access the Payway administrator tool is



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